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Co-op Publishing

The concept is that writers choose their own book format. If they agree, they can join other writers in the collection, share costs, and keep the prices down. AuthorMe will help to coordinate each project by assigning a facilitator to each book. AuthorMe will ask for a share of the costs - 10%,plus a minimal facilitator fee.
By choosing co-op publishing, you the writer will state your preferences for the book. The facilitator (a moderator or coordinator) will contact you and let you know when enough writers have "signed on" with the same specifications that you want. Then you will join the other authors in deciding exactly what to buy, what the cost will be, and what will be the best way to share that cost.
When it's time to print, we will ask you to deposit payment. When a credit card is used, we can hold back on charging your card until the book is delivered. The idea is based upon mutual trust and our continued effort to operate with utter integrity.
To sign up, or for more info, please go to http://www.author-me.com/coop.htm
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